Saturday, August 31, 2019

my father name is raj kumar limbu.father is a male parents of a children.he is a hard working person.he spend his most of his time on working.he is great.he loves music he lobes drinking alcohal.he does his job nicely.

experience on the visit to election

on the day of third bhadra we were taken to the election commession to know and get information about the first all of us were sat on a que .andit took about 5 min to manage our seat.after then the bus was started.......

after some minute we reached and made a set of line section A and  B.we were firstly w
taken to the gaming room and  after a while we were taken to the place where we would get information about election.some video clips were enjoyable and we also learned many thing at the same time then went to rest room listned some lectures. At last we learned how to cast vote practically and we returned back our school.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

We also got to see an awareness video related to drug addiction in which a boy falls into addiction and have him self found in a really bad time as his friend stopped supplying him free drugs and he started to steal mom dad money for buying  the drug later the mom and dad found it and he was taken to the rehab and was successfully came out as a new fresh person and got his gf back. I knew a lot of things from that class never the less it was out 2nd class and the previous one was of the cyber crime. I knew that keeping a little quantity of drug and can lead to punishment by the government. So, this was the experience i gained.

jorney with jm It is extremely strange how a confined,small area of the classroom that once bored me to death, has now become few of my f...